Common Questions

To get started, please send a request on our get a quote page.  We’d like to quickly review your items to confirm they’ll work well within our operations.

We have 2 warehouses centrally located in Lincoln, NE.  Being central is great for processing customer returns with a short average shipping distance for the entire country.  HUB1 Address is: 4725 N 56th St, Lincoln, NE 68504.

Absolutely!  Sending replacement parts to your customers is a great service that Back-Track offers to help you reduce the need to refund in full or send a totally complete item to your customer.

Back-Track currently uses Skuvault to manage inventory in our multiple warehouses and provide clients with instant visibility to inventory quantities and conditions.

Note: We are still using the other system for tickets, BT2A, BT2C, reSELL reporting, Invoicing and other communications.  We will continue to merge systems into 1 seamless system and operation.  

It should take only a few minutes to get setup.

  1. Receive email invitation from SkuVault (and Back-Track).  Check your spam folder if you don’t see it.
  2. Create your Free Account (login will take about 5 minutes to activate)
  3. “ACCEPT” Back-Track’s connection (very important)

With over 800 retailers using Back-Track, we accept a very wide range of products big and small, low cost to high cost.  However, some products are not a great fit for our services and so we ask to review your items before accepting you into the Back-Track program.

All inbound shipping to Back-Track is the responsibility of the client.  We receive 13 delivery trucks in and out of our facility daily, no appointment required for delivery.

Every box that comes into our facility is scanned and associated with a client.  Our online dashboard will show you these “Dock Receipt Scans”.  Next step is to our rapid check-in inspection stations.